Thursday, May 29, 2014

[iOS] Turn off cellular data usage for certain apps

Using iOS 7, now you can configure which app you allow to use your cellular data usage.

If you are:
- having limited data plan each month
- afraid of your monthly cellular bill for data plan explode
- just don't want to use cellular for certain apps, such as App Store app to download new application

Here's what can be done:
1. On your iOS device, be it iphone or iPad, running iOS 7, look for Settings and open it.
2. Navigate to Cellular menu.
3. Scroll down until you find "Use Cellular data for:".
4. Choose your app and turn off for those you don't want them to access your cellular data.

5. Done. 

Now you can avoid any unwanted cellular data usage and save your bandwidth and monthly bill.

For me myself, I turn off cellular data for  following app:
- App Store 
- iTunes Store 
- passbook 

What happen then, if let say cellular data for App Store is turned off and somehow you need to browse/download from the app? Will it show any error or what? What if I forgot the list of app that I forbid from using cellular data?
Don't worry be happy. Apple does that for you.
The app will prompt you with warning and asking whether you want to go to setting to activate cellular data for the app. Click "Settings" if you want to reconfigure your cellular data setting or click "Ok" if you want to keep it from using your data.

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